387 votes to 2. 387 people voted this week yes to the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda.
"A person who commits the crime of aggravated homosexuality and is found guilty can be sentenced to death on conviction," explained Robina Rwakoojo of the Parliament of Uganda. The argument for criminalizing homosexuality is because it is considered a threat to traditional values. Homosexuals are again portrayed as a threat to society. Riksförbundet EKHO has in previous contexts highlighted Annika Hammerud's work, which has made the connection between anti-queer discourses and anti-inclusive Christian theology clearly visible. This does not only affect homosexuals, bisexuals or transgender people. It also affects heterosexual people who are perceived as queer. It affects siblings, parents and friends.
We see how religion is abused for oppression and violence! This has life-changing consequences for our queer siblings and their relatives. International regulations and rights are now threatened. One of our most fundamental rights, the right to life (Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) is conditional.
The National Association EKHO condemns this in the strongest possible terms. We demand that Sweden's Christian Council and large Christian mission and aid organizations such as PMU and the EFS international mission clearly take a stand for the human rights of LGBTQI people. As a national association, we also wish that churches and communities collect together for the benefit of the Rainbow Fund's life-changing work. We want to urge all Christians to not only be followers of Jesus Christ, but also to continue! Continue to challenge power structures that lead to hatred and death. The time for passivity and silence is over - We need your help and we need it now!
May God bless our queer siblings, guide them to safe places and keep a light in the darkness. We are all one in bread and fellowship.
God, give us churches that are more bold than their guard, which is not only a security for the threatened but also challenges the overly confident, who not only love the world but also demand justice, who does not remain silent when the people ask someone to suspend their voice, which not only passes by as a wounded humanity waits to be healed, who not only gathers us for worship but also sends us as witnesses, who follows Christ even when the road leads to a cross. To all this we bring ourselves forward in the name of Him who in love gave His life for us. Amen.
Förbundsstyrelsen för Riksförbundet EKHO
Kontakt: Robin Paulonen
Ekumeniska grupperna för kristna hbtq-personer